Virtual AWS Courses

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     This 4-course series takes a dive into the major regions of France. The first class is an overview of winemaking and grape growing as well as tasting technique. After the Zoom launch class, the remaining three (3) classes will be taught in person in Chicago. Each week, two regions will be explored via instructor-led lectures and tastings. Wine laws, labelling terms, grapes and blends will be discussed along with environmental factors that make each region unique. No experience required. Once you register, study materials will be sent to you via regular mail. A class link will be sent to you via email a few days before the class begins.    
  •  This 4-course series takes a dive into the major regions of France.  All 4 classes are taught on ZOOM. A list of wines will be sent to you prior to the class, so you can purchase the wines locally. The first class is an overview of winemaking and grape growing as well as tasting technique. The remaining three (3) classes explore the major regions of France to include wine laws, labelling terms, grapes and blends will be discussed along with environmental factors that make each region unique. No experience required. Once you register, study materials will be sent to you via regular mail. A class link and wine list will be sent to you via email a few days before the class begins.    
  • Introduction to Wine is designed to share information on classic grape varieties, how to taste wine like a pro as well as everyday wine service. Perfect for people new to the world of wine or those interested in learning how to select a bottle of wine from a retail shelf. Class not included with purchase of this book.
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    Learn how to select the right wine for the right dish with just a few tips of the trade. During this hands-on class, we will combine lecture and pairings in 4 courses. Fun and eye-opening, this interactive class showcases the structural components of both food and wine through simple culinary interactions. The evening will leave you feeling more confident about your at home pairings... Oh and the homework tastes great, too! The information for Food & Wine Pairing is found in An Introduction to Wine book from Wine 101. If you did not take Wine 101, you will need to buy the book An Introduction to Wine from American Wine School.
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    Learn how to select the right wine for the right dish with just a few tips of the trade. During this hands-on class, we will combine lecture and pairings in 4 courses. Fun and eye-opening, this interactive class showcases the structural components of both food and wine through simple culinary interactions. The evening will leave you feeling more confident about your at home pairings... Oh and the homework tastes great, too!
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