It is interesting to me that anyone in this day and age, would ever want to be a known as a wine snob. In fact, most educated people view the modern-day wine snob as a “wannabe expert” who is lucky enough to have a wad of cash in one hand and a copy of Wine Spectator in the other. Even easier if the wine snob has access to high-end wines stored in the office swag closet. Either way it ain’t pretty folks and most Americans – including me – are sick of it.  

Much like bread and butter, wine has become a staple for the American table. For those who decide to sip and enjoy, these are fantastic times.  After years of being known as a beer-drinking country, America recently became a wine drinking nation and the world is taking note. So again, why would anyone want to be known as a wine snob during this time of change?

While it is true that some hobbyists, who perhaps started out working retail and rubbing noses with the wine elite in the 90s, are now make a living producing stuffy articles and reviews. Most wine-savvy Americans know that the rubbish they write is not worth the cost of ink or pen.

Over the past two decades, I have led several wine tours inBordeaux, France for American Express and, while most of the people on the tour were fun, each year a wine snob or two would rear their ugly head. Once at Chateau Cos d’Estournel, a self-proclaimed snob asked then owner Bruno Pratts “What is the best wine for us to buy?” Hungry for an answer that would impress his friends, M. Pratts elegantly said, “That’s simple, the wine you should buy is the wine you like to drink.” The air went thick. It is what I call the “aha moment” for the aspiring wine snobs who place their palates and over-rated noses above those of Americans across the country. Yes, it is a time for change. So let’s raise a glass to the palates that matter; the people who celebrate the grape. Cheers!